ACRI Facts

China's 6.9 on target


1. 6.9 percent growth meant China’s economy added 50 percent more purchasing power in 2015 than it did in 2010, when it was growing at 10.6 percent. That’s more RMB to be spent on Australian beef, dairy, etc.

2. Consumption accounted for 66.4 percent of China’s GDP growth in 2015. This was up 15 percentage points from 2014.

3. Retails sales grew at 10.7 percent in 2015. Independent data sources confirm robust household consumption. Westpac’s China Consumer Sentiment Index is higher now than it was a year ago.

Chinese Tourism to Australia


1. China has been the world’s number one tourism source market since 2012.[1] The total annual number of outbound Chinese tourists now exceeds 100 million,[2] leaping from 10 million in 2000.[3] Outbound numbers are expected to double to 200 million by 2020.[4]

China: an economy that’s still on track


China stock market opened 2016 with a seven percent collapse. But the story of the real economy hasn’t changed.

1. On the demand side of China’s economy, fixed asset investment continues to slow but consumption remains robust. 

- Retail sales grew at 10.6 percent (year-to-date) in November. [1]

- On-line sales grew 34.5 percent (ytd) in November. [2]

Aged Care in China


By Hannah Bretherton

1. In 2014 212 million people in China were aged over 60.[1] The number is expected to rise to 480 million by 2050.[2]

South China Sea: What the Others are Doing


On October 27 a United States navy guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, sailed within a 12 nautical mile zone of a Chinese-built formation in the Spratly Islands. The US is reportedly calling on allies to join such freedom of navigation operations (FONOPS). This survey shows that if Australia responded it would probably be alone.


Chinese language competency in Australia


1. The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper recognizes the need for an increased linguistic capacity within the Australian population: “Relying on the language capabilities of Asian-Australians for all of Australia’s relationships and engagement will not be adequate. Proficiency in more than one language is a basic skill of the 21st century”.[1]

2. In 2015 3,694,101 students attend school in Australia.[2] Of those:

South China Sea: What's New


The joint statement from AUSMIN 2015 commits Australia and the US “to pursue enhanced naval cooperation across all domains, including additional combined training and exercises…”[1]

This language is identical with the language of joint statements from AUSMINs each year from 2011.

The China factor in Australian and global equity markets


1. At the end of 2014 China’s holdings of equity securities abroad stood at $US161.3 billion.[1] This was up from zero in 2004 but compares with $US6.7 trillion for the US.[2]

2. China’s holdings of equity securities abroad are equal to 1.6 percent of its GDP.[3] This compares with 38.6 percent for the US. 

China and Australia’s agricultural sector


1. Australia’s agricultural exports to China reached $8.5 billion in 2014-15.[1] This compared with:

- $5.1 billion to the US

- $3.9 billion to Japan

- $3.3 billion to Indonesia

2. A Chinese government-owned company wanting to invest in Australia’s agricultural sector must obtain Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approval, irrespective of the value of the proposed purchase.[2]

The China FTA: all the facts and figures


1. Critics have called for mandatory labour market testing (LMT) with respect to the China FTA.