ACRI Facts

Chinese investment and Ausgrid


A decision by Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison on whether to approve the partial sale of NSW electricity distributor, Ausgrid, is expected shortly.

1. In March only three companies made the shortlist to buy a 50.4 percent share of NSW electricity distributor Ausgrid. All were Chinese. Since then one has dropped out leaving State Grid, a Chinese state-owned company, and Cheung Kong Infrastructure, a Chinese privately-owned company, as the only bidders.[1]

Permanent Court of Arbitration Decision on the South China Sea


On July 12 2016 the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled on a dispute between the Philippines and China over territorial claims in the South China Sea and found in favour of the Philippines.

Freedom of Navigation Operations

BREXIT and the Australia-China Economic Relationship


1. In 2015 the value of Australia’s goods and services exports to the UK stood at $8.8bn and $23.5bn to the EU as a whole. This compares with $91.3bn to China.[1]

2. Over the past decade the value of Australia’s goods and services exports to the UK fell by $0.6bn, while they increased by $0.4bn to the EU as a whole. This compares with an increase of $71.1bn to China.[2]

The Queensland-China Economic Relationship


1. The annual value of Queensland’s goods exports to China is $11.6 billion.[1],[2] This compares with –

- $8.1 billion to Japan

- $6.0 billion to Korea

- $5.3 billion to India

2. The annual value of Queensland’s goods exports to China has increased by $4.9 billion over the past five years.[3] Exports to –

- Japan fell by $3.2 billion

- Korea increased by $0.1 billion

John Howard on the South China Sea


The former Liberal Prime Minister lends support to a pragmatic and realist Australian policy on the South China Sea.

In an address to the Griffith Asia Institute on April 20 2016 former Australian Prime Minister John Howard said:

I think this issue should continue to be dealt with in the patient but firm manner thus far exhibited by both Australia and the United States…Principles should not be compromised, but likewise we should guard against overreaction…[1]



Can China become an innovation-led, high income country? Shenzhen, a Prefecture-level city bordering Hong Kong SAR, provides some answers.    

1. In 2014 Shenzhen’s per-capita income was RMB149,497, or $US24,259.[1] In Nanshan district, described by Bloomberg as the technology heartland of Shenzhen, it was $49,730.[2] This compares with:

China’s economy: state versus private


Just a few decades ago China’s private sector was almost non-existent. How important is it today?

1. In 2014 China economy specialist Nicholas Lardy concluded that the private sector now produces at least two-thirds of China’s GDP.[1]

What China's Middle Class Means for Australia


Australia’s ‘China Resources boom’ may have peaked but 57 cents in every dollar increase in Australian exports between 2009-10 and 2014-15 still came from China. [1]

If managed well, Australia’s ‘China dining and services boom’ could run for decades.

1. In 2015 China’s middle class numbered 109 million. This was 17 million more than in the US. [2]

China: start up nation - what Australia needs to know


Beijing’s Zhongguancun district birthed 49 startups daily in 2014, and behind them was China’s booming venture capital industry. This is big news for Australia’s startup sector. 

1. Encouraging venture capital is included as a specific action point in guidelines for China’s 13th five year plan.[1]

South China Sea: What Australia Might Do


The United States is conducting freedom of navigation patrols within 12 nautical miles of Chinese-claimed territory in the South China Sea. This fact sheet summarises Australia’s current position regarding freedom of navigation operations and spells out future options.

The Admiral Asks