ACRI Facts

The Morrison government and China


On August 24 2018 Scott Morrison was elected leader of the Liberal Party by a party-room vote and sworn in as Australia’s 30th Prime Minister.

Mr Morrison was Treasurer from September 21 2015-August 23 2018. He visited China at least twice in that capacity, most recently in September 2017 to participate in the third Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing, the highest level bilateral economic meeting between Australia and China.[1]

The WA-China economic relationship


1. In the year to June 2018, the value of Western Australia goods exports to China was $61.5 billion. This compares with a record high of $62.7 billion in May 2014.1

2. Exports to China account for 47.4 percent of total WA goods exports, and are the equivalent of 24.8 percent of Gross State Product.2

The beginnings of a new tone on China?


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on August 7 delivered a speech to the University of New South Wales (UNSW) which seemed to continue the process of softening some of the sharper rhetoric that had been deployed in public treatment of the Australia-China bilateral relationship since early 2017.[1]  

Australia’s exposure to a Chinese economic hard landing: New findings


Last year the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) reported on modelling by Deloitte that found an economic hard landing in China would send the Australian economy into recession.[1] New research points to a more sanguine outcome.

Inoue, et al. (2018) modelled the impact of a one percentage point drop in Chinese GDP growth.[2]

The NSW-China economic relationship in 2018


1. Over the past year the value of NSW goods exports to China is $8.1 billion. This is a record high.  China accounts for 17.4 percent of NSW total goods exports, and is:[1]

- 0.7 times that to Japan;

- 2.1 times that to Korea; and

- 3.0 times that to the US.

New Zealand-China relations: 2017-18


In a 2015 research report for the Australia-China Relations Institute, former New Zealand High Commissioner in Canberra John Larkindale wrote of the New Zealand-China relationship:[1]

The relationship has never become a topic for partisan political division, though elements of China’s growing presence in New Zealand and aspects of the economic links are increasingly attracting debate, and sometimes controversy.

China's Emissions Trading Scheme: What it means for Australia


1. On December 19 2017 China took the first step towards launching a nation-wide carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS).[1] It has been testing emissions trading since 2013 with  seven pilot schemes in five cities (Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Shenzen) and two provinces (Guangdong and Hubei).

The Victoria-China economic relationship


1. Victoria’s goods exports are worth $24.7 billion, of which $5.4 billion is to China.[1] This is:

- 1.8 times that to the US;

- 2.6 times that to New Zealand; and

- 3.5 times that to Japan.

2. The value of Victoria’s goods exports to China increased by $1.8 billion in the past five years.[2] This is:

- 1.2 times that to the US, and

- 12.6 times that to New Zealand.

The PRC diaspora in Australia


- In 2015-16 the number of residents in Australia born in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) totalled approximately 526,000. That is, 2.2 percent of the Australian population.[1] This compares with:[2]

- UK 5 percent;

- New Zealand 2.5 percent;

- India 1.9 percent;

- Philippines 1 percent; and

- Vietnam 1 percent.

Australia's tilt on China: An update


In July 2017 the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) published the fact sheet ‘Australia’s tilt on China’, which details Australian government representatives’ statements on China and the Australia-China relationship in the first half of the year.[1]

Since this time, the messages sent on the bilateral relationship have been mixed..