ACRI Facts

The Australian government on Xinjiang (October 2019 update)


International outrage continues to grow in the face of Beijing’s mass detention, forced indoctrination and vice-like control of its Turkic Muslim population in Xinjiang, with estimates of over a million (about 40 percent of the Xinjiang population) held in internment camps.

China’s economy: state of the state versus private sector


Successive waves of ‘reform and opening up’ in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) facilitated the growth of a private sector in an economy that had long been dominated by state-owned enterprises (SOEs). However, increasing state control over the economy has added to external pressures facing PRC firms. This factsheet provides an update on developments in the PRC’s private and state sectors.

The Australian government on Xinjiang


Since 2016 the Australian government has become increasingly vocal about human rights as an issue of concern with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Recently this has focused on the mass detention and forced indoctrination of the PRC’s Turkic Muslim population in the northwest province of Xinjiang. Prior to 2016, the PRC’s human rights record was primarily confined to closed-door discussions between Australian and PRC government officials.

Understanding Australia's economic dependence on China


While Australia's economic relationship with China has rapidly grown, so too have fears that this exposure presents Australia with excessive risk. This factsheet draws on data from an Australia-China Relations Institute report, 'Small grey rhinos: understanding Australia's economic dependence on China', which discusses the market forces driving the Australia-China economic relationship as well as the three main attendant risks.

Anthony Albanese and the People’s Republic of China: an overview


Following the Australian Labor Party’s (ALP) federal election defeat on May 18 2019, Bill Shorten stepped down as leader of the party. Anthony Albanese, a long-term ALP frontbencher, became the ALP’s leader-elect on May 27 after an uncontested leadership ballot, and was formally endorsed as Opposition Leader on May 30. While Mr Albanese is supportive of Australian engagement with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and of strengthening bilateral economic ties, he has also positioned himself as having due regard to the need to balance this against security considerations.

PRC migration to Australia - statistics and trends


What are the current trends in PRC citizen inflows into Australia – both permanent and temporary? This fact sheet provides a snapshot of key statistics and trends in permanent migration, naturalisation, student visa grants, visitor visa grants, temporary work visa grants and visa cancellations.

Permanent migration

In 2017-18 162,417 permanent migration programme visas were granted. Migrants from the PRC accounted for 15.5 percent.

China-Australia LNG trade in the context of the China-US trade war


1. In November 2018 Australia overtook Qatar to become the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), loading 6.5 Mt of LNG compared with 6.2 Mt for Qatar. [1] 

An update on PRC investment in Australian residential real estate


Investment from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the Australian residential real estate market overall largely aligns with Australia’s foreign investment policy objectives. PRC investment in the residential real estate market has declined since 2016-17. The evidence available does not suggest systemic wilful non-compliance with residential real estate rules overseen by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB). 

Renewable energy development in China


1. China is now the world leader in installed capacities of hydro, solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power. China currently accounts for 28.5 percent of the global hydroelectricity generation, 32.8 percent and 31.9 percent of global solar PV and wind power installed capacity, respectively.[1] 

2. In 2017 China added:

Steve Bannon on Australia and China


Steven Bannon, former chief strategist to US president, Donald Trump, has courted Australian media in a bid to influence public opinion on China.