ACRI Opinion

管控中澳分歧 Managing China-Australia differences (Bilingual)


James Laurenceson (罗震) 

This article appeared in China Daily on August 21 2020. This article includes a Simplified Chinese translation by Jun Wang, NAATI Level 3 translator (NAATI ID: 80136).

Managing China-Australia differences


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in China Daily on August 21 2020. A Simplified Chinese translation is available.

AUSMIN shows Australia’s China policy different to US’


PERSPECTIVES | On being ‘very different countries’: AUSMIN and China’s rise


By Professor James Curran

During discussions with American thinkers, analysts and officials in New York and Washington DC in late 2017, one particular conversation gave a chilling insight into how some see the ultimate strategic calculations in US-China relations.  



作者:罗震教授(James Laurenceson)







From rocks to science: the irrepressible Australia-China economic relationship


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World and the China Policy Centre, on August 3 2020.

Just rocks, crops and undergraduate commerce degrees?

Elena Collinson in Australian Foreign Affairs - July 2020


Elena Collinson wrote a response to 'Beijing Calling: How China is testing the alliance', an essay by Professor Michael Wesley, Deputy Vice-Chancellor International at the University of Melbourne, that was published in the July 2020 edition of Australian Foreign Affairs magazine. 

Read here.

PERSPECTIVES | People-to-people links: the lifeblood of the Australia-China relationship


By Peter Osborne

Looking for a relevant opening sentence on what individuals and businesses can do to contribute to an ongoing strong, mutually beneficial relationship between Australia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), I stumbled across a pertinent quote from Confucius on friendships:

The many sources of disinformation in the Australia-China relationship


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World and the China Policy Centre, on June 30 2020.

The myth of Chinese money in Australia


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in Pearls and Irritations, a public affairs blog, on June 30 2020.

Fears amongst the Australian public of China buying up the country run deep. Opportunistic politicians and commentators have long shown a willingness to tap into this unease to boost their own following.