ACRI Opinion

Perspectives | Implications of the new wave of nationalism in the People’s Republic of China for Australian companies


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Maggie Ying Jiang

Australia’s China politics heats up


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the Lowy Institute’s blog, The Interpreter, on June 15 2021.

After a long period of uber-bipartisanship in the handling of China relations, Labor has opened a clear line of attack on the Morrison government.  

Perspectives | How much protection does the World Trade Organization provide for Australian barley and wine?


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Weihuan Zhou

Interview: UTS:ACRI Director James Laurenceson speaks with the Global Times (Bilingual)


Note: This interview appeared in the Global Times on May 20 2021. This transcript includes a Simplified Chinese translation by Jun Wang, NAATI Level 3 translator (NAATI ID: 80136).

本采访于2021年5月20日发表于环球时报。本文由 Jun Lucius Wang(NAATI三级翻译员; NAATI ID: 80136)翻译。

Australia’s China supply chain ‘vulnerability’ – much ado about nothing?


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in Asia & the Pacific Policy Society’s blog, Policy Forum, on May 19 2021.

Perspectives | Guarding against assumptions about Australia’s national interests


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By John Edwards

China retaliates: suspending its Strategic Economic Dialogue with Australia is symbolic, but still a big deal


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on May 7 2021. 

Perspectives | Australian racism a vulnerability to the PRC’s influence operations


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's monthly commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Joyce Nip

Perspectives | Australia’s engagement with the PRC: Universities need more, not less


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's monthly commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By David S G Goodman

Time to speak louder on Australians detained in the PRC


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World at the Australian National University, on April 28 2021.