ACRI Opinion

The future of Australia-China relations


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World at the Australian National University, as part of a contribution to 'Perspectives – future of Australia-China relations', on January 21 2021.

China enters 2021 a stronger, more influential power — and Australia may feel the squeeze even more


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on January 4 2021.

China’s economic coercion — theory vs practice


By Michael Zhou and Thomas Pantle

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World and the China Policy Centre, on December 9 2020.

Joe Biden and US-PRC relations


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in The China Story, a blog by the Australian Centre on China in the World and the China Policy Centre, on December 9 2020.

The beginnings of a new political chapter in the US has turned the world’s attention towards a future with a Joe Biden-led America.

The importance of arts and cultural exchanges in Australia-PRC relations


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's monthly commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Jing Han

Why Australia is on its own in its trade conflict with China


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the South China Morning Post on December 2 2020.

Canberra keeps China confused


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the print edition of The Australian Financial Review on November 26 2020. It also appeared online on November 25 2020.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in June that on China his government had ‘done nothing to injure that partnership – nothing at all’.

There’s no need for panic over China’s trade threats


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation, on November 12 2020.

China’s increasingly belligerent threats to close its markets to Australian exports have excited talk of a full-blown trade war.

But let’s not panic. These threats are best understood as psychological warfare, not a statement of reality.

Doing business in a complex geopolitical landscape – some stories of success


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's monthly commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Merriden Varrall

Australia as a pioneer in dealing with China


By James Laurenceson

Note: A German translation of this article appeared in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (International Politics and Society) Journal on October 27 2020.