
Tariffs, data security and global collaboration: Navigating the geopolitics of electric vehicles


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on June 25 2024.

Rare earths vs rarer resources: Global ripples from Australia’s divestment decision


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on June 11 2024.

Australian housing availability and affordability: The impact of Chinese investment and migration


According to the UTS:ACRI/BIDA Poll 2023, 73 percent of Australians take the view that ‘Foreign buyers from China drive up Australian housing prices’, while 68 percent say that ‘Chinese investors have negatively affected the rental market for residential real estate in Australia’.[1] Similar proportions were found in 2021 and 2022.[2]  Recently, the Australian government and opposition have arguably fueled such perceptions by explicitly tying migration to domestic

Critical minerals for the world – or just for the US? Turning Australia into a green minerals powerhouse comes with risks


By Marina Zhang, David Gann and Mark Dodgson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on May 23 2024.

How resilient is China’s ‘world’s factory’ to supply chain shifts?


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in the East Asia Forum on May 18 2024.

It’s economically naive to cut China out of direct investment


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on May 6 2024.

The geopolitics of Tesla’s China breakthrough


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on May 2 2024.

Australia’s critical minerals strategy needs more economic reality and less geopolitical wishful thinking


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on April 28 2024.

Canberra is copping heat over its critical minerals strategy.

Ensuring the ‘Future Made in Australia Act’ doesn’t add to a global subsidy arms race


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on April 22 2024.

In conversation with Shadow Trade Minister Kevin Hogan on Australia-China trade


Over recent years, political differences between Canberra and Beijing have become more pronounced. Yet data suggests that economic exchanges between Australia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have, on the whole, remained resilient. In 2023, the value of Australia’s exports to the PRC, the bilateral trade surplus and total two-way trade all hit new record highs.

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