
Australia must avoid knee-jerk policy reactions regarding China


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on April 16 2023.

The visit to Australia last week by Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu confirms that official relations between Canberra and Beijing are back on track.

Ma’s big message?

Australia’s narrative on Beijing’s economic coercion: Context and critique


A narrative has emerged in Australia since May 2020 that attributes disruption of Australian exports to China to China’s authoritarian political system and presents the local predicament as unsurprising given past attempts by Beijing at economic coercion affecting other countries. Further, the Australian public has been told that strategic friends are rallying to provide a collective defence and these countries too are seeking greater economic distance from China. The strands of this narrative serve to soothe strategic anxieties and deflect attention away from choices made by Canberra.

Australian reliance on Chinese exports an economic reality


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on February 22 2023.

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: January 2023


Where the chips fall: In containing China, the US can leave Australia out


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the Lowy Institute’s blog, The Interpreter, on October 25 2022.

A ‘moonshot’ strategy of manufacturing semiconductors: Can Australia ‘chip’ in?


By Marina Zhang

Note: This article appeared in the Australian Institute of International Affairs’ blog, Australian Outlook, on October 17 2022.

Can the PRC's economy still become number one? | WEBINAR


Over the past decade the rate of economic growth of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has experienced steady decline. Now adding to domestic, structural economic headwinds like adverse demographics are intensifying geopolitical tensions with the US and a broader trend towards de-globalisation. Earlier this year, the Australian government released new forecasts putting the PRC's share of world GDP in 2035 at 24 percent, compared with 14 percent for the US. But many analysts view this as far too optimistic.

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1:34 PM

Better to bring China into the trans-Pacific tent


Note: This article appeared in The Australian on September 28 2022. 

Australia’s trade ties with China show there’s no need to throw the baby out with the bath water


Note: This article appeared in the South China Morning Post on September 21 2022. 

For those wanting to instil a view that economic exposure to China is dangerous, the Australian experience has become Exhibit A.

Australia gasses up energy security concerns


By Xunpeng Shi

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on September 10 2022.