
Australians believe AUKUS will protect them from China. What’s the media’s role?


By Wanning Sun

Note: This article appeared in Crikey on June 12 2024.

Can Taiwan’s divided legislature come together on defence?


By Corey Lee Bell and Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on June 10 2024.

Australia-Taiwan relations: Prospects and limitations | Part 3: Defence and security considerations


This is the final paper of a three-part UTS:ACRI Analysis series examining the prospects for and limitations on the Australia-Taiwan relationship following the election of Lai Ching-te as President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on January 13 2024. Part 1 discussed what the election of Lai means for Australia-Taiwan ties and cross-Strait relations. Part 2 examined how Australia can navigate its one China policy and economic and trade relations with Taiwan, and how Canberra might respond to Taipei’s desire for greater diplomatic space.

Perspectives | The Yellow Sea flare incident: Expect more of the same


Australia’s conundrum: A coherent defence plan needs a coherent national strategy


By Corey Lee Bell and Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on May 10 2024.

What is AUKUS?


On May 3 2024, Professor James Laurenceson, UTS:ACRI Director, joined Dr Michael Green, CEO at the United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney, in a discussion on What is AUKUS, a panel at Charles Darwin University hosted by the Chinese Australian Forum. Professor Laurenceson and Dr Green delivered presentations before engaging in a Q&A with the audience.

Australia and deterrence: Dazed and confused


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on March 18 2024.

China’s military buildup: The biggest since 1945?


By Greg Austin

Note: This article appeared in Australian Outlook on February 19 2024.

We need to talk about ‘strategic competition’


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on January 24 2024.

Understanding China’s approach to deterrence


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on January 9 2024.