ACRI Opinion

We need China in an age of Trump


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article apppeared in The Australian Financial Review on June 19 2018.

Australia put in limbo by US-China trade dispute


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article apppeared in the International Peace Institute's blog, Global Observatory, on June 8 2018.

Subduing China an empty gesture as Trump-shy Asia courts Beijing


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on May 30 2018. 

Loose lips on China have cost Australia dearly


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald on May 24 2018.

The shrinking ‘Quad’: How the alliance is going nowhere as Japan and India court China


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in the South China Morning Post on May 17 2018.

Turnbull Government may be toning down anti-China stance


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in Pearls and Irritations on May 8 2018.

Australia-China relations need a reset, and Malcolm Turnbull has to lead the way


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the South China Morning Post on April 29 2018.

Australia-China relations need a reset. But this is unlikely as long as the Australian prime minister himself remains a stumbling block. 

Donald Trump's trade war against China a case of sour grapes


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on March 23 2018.

Australia-China bilateral relations: How did we get here?


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the Australian Institute for International Affairs' blog, Australian Outlook, on March 2 2018.

Xi Jinping and the end of China's term limits


By Simone van Nieuwenhuizen

Note: This article appeared in the University of Nottingham's China Policy Institute: Analysis on March 1 2018.