ACRI Opinion

World politics explainer: Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on October 8 2018.

By orchestrating China’s transition to a market economy, Deng Xiaoping has left a lasting legacy on China and the world.

The next challenge for Australia-China relations


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in the Australian Institute of International Affairs' blog, Australian Outlook, on October 4 2018.

Why Australia's new government won't change course on China


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on September 11 2018. 

Turnbull's China reset ends influence of China hawks


By James Laurenceson 

Note: This article appeared in the Australian Financial Review on August 14 2018.

ASIO and the China scare


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in the Australian on August 14 2018.

Australia was 'unimaginable' without the dynamic presence of Chinese-Australians. Those were the words of Malcolm Turnbull last week, resetting the rhetoric of Australia-China relations.

Australia draws line under anti-China hysteria. Will it be enough to unfreeze relations?


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in the South China Morning Post on August 11 2018.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was always going to do it. It was a matter of language and timing.

Deepening reform to counter trade threat


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the China Daily on August 8 2018. 

The United States continues to ratchet up its trade threats against China, the latest being the threat to impose 25 percent tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese exports, up from the 10 percent mooted previously.

What would a US war - or peace - with Iran mean for China


By Simone van Niewenhuizen

Note: This article appeared as part of a ChinaFile conversation on August 1 2018.

China's 'rule of law in international relations'


By Simone van Nieuwenhuizen

Note: This article appeared in the Lowy Institute's blog, The Interpreter, on August 1 2018.

Get-tough rhetoric has denied us any sway with Beijing


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on July 10 2018.