Briefing and working papers

Australia-Taiwan people-to-people links and cultural exchange


Note: This chapter appeared in the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation report, Taiwan and Australia: Advancing the partnership of four decades, in October 2022.

1. Introduction

‘Translators and traitors’: What to be wary of when reading translations of PRC diplomatic/foreign affairs statements



This analysis reviews recent translation controversies involving PRC diplomatic statements in order to stimulate further discussion on guidelines that could help readers better appreciate the limitations and idiosyncrasies of translations pertaining to this field, and spot signs of sub-optimal translations that have could potentially inform poor or calamitous foreign policy responses.  

Key takeaways 

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: August 2022


Huawei: Critically assessing the 5G ban and commonly cited risks


Key takeaways

- Reports that Huawei is controlled by the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are inaccurate. Huawei is a private, employee-owned corporation controlled by its senior management with input from an employee representative committee.

- The Communist Party of China (CPC) branch committees in private PRC corporations, including Huawei, have largely been co-opted by corporations to serve their own commercial interests.

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: July 2022


Australia-China monthly wrap-up: June 2022


The view from Taipei: No.1


The view from Taipei is a sister series of UTS:ACRI’s The view from Beijing. It provides readers with an up-to-date overview of Chinese-language statements from Taiwanese authorities on matters that have the potential to impact Australia’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: April and May 2022


The view from Beijing: No.2


The view from Beijing is a new UTS:ACRI series dedicated to tracking what is being said about Australia’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Chinese-language PRC state media news and commentary (principally, material published by the People’s Daily (人民日报) and Xinhua (新华)).

The view from Beijing: No.1


The view from Beijing is a new UTS:ACRI series dedicated to tracking what is being said about Australia’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Chinese-language PRC state media news and commentary (principally, material published by the People’s Daily (人民日报) and Xinhua (新华)).