ACRI Opinion

Australia’s dependence on China just went up a notch


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in Business Spectator on May 27 2015.

The Australian economy just became more dependent on China. Again. 

What Australians really think about a rising China


By James Laurenceson and Hannah Bretherton 

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on May 27 2015.

What does China’s rise as a major power mean for Australia? The answer depends on who you ask.  

China’s new economic diplomacy


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared on University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute Blog on May 26 2015.

How good is the TPP? Look to China for an answer


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in ABC's The Drum on May 22 2015.

China’s factory workers are becoming more restive


By Anita Chan

Note: This article appeared on Yale Global Online on May 20 2015.

It’s been chiseled into the minds of Chinese bureaucrats – they must “maintain social stability” to climb the career ladder. This amounts to a license for clamping down on any sign of disturbance. Increasing numbers of strikes have been met with vigorous suppression. 

The economic returns of CAMP


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared on the website of the China-Australia Millennial Project, May 20 2015.

It’s a disappointing truth: Australia has tended to neglect its most important bilateral economic relationship. 

On two occasions in my own career this has particularly struck me.    

Exports to China are struggling and we need to do better


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on May 20 2015.

Sales to our most important customer are falling fast.    

One billion tonnes of Chinese steel: Rio and BHP aren’t alone in their optimism


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The West Australian on May 18 2015.

Fortescue boss Twiggy Forrest didn’t hold back: last week he accused the big miners of having a “callous disregard for Australia”. Treasurer Joe Hockey said he was sympathetic to Forrest’s position. Senator Nick Xenaphon called for a Senate inquiry. A parliamentary inquiry of some sort looks like getting the nod.

The banquet has only just begun for Queensland


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Courier Mail, November 19 2014.

The world leader most important to Queensland has just left the building. And it wasn’t Barack Obama or Shinzo Abe. Chinese President, Xi Jinping, thanks for stopping by.

When China overtook Japan to become Australia’s largest customer for goods exports five years ago, Queensland remained a bastion of the old order. At the end of 2008, Queensland’s goods exports to Japan were five-and-a-half times the value of China. Those to Korea and India doubled China as well.

Australia-China free trade only a first step to real partnership


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on November 17 2014.