ACRI Opinion

Pacific elder excoriates Australia on AUKUS panel with Bob Carr


By Wanning Sun

Note: This article appeared in Crikey on April 29 2024.

Australia’s critical minerals strategy needs more economic reality and less geopolitical wishful thinking


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on April 28 2024.

Canberra is copping heat over its critical minerals strategy.

Australia’s coming battles in the US–China tech war


By Marina Zhang, Mark Dodgson and David Gann

Note: This article appeared in the East Asia Forum on April 25 2024.

PERSPECTIVES | Australia and Taiwan: Between the PRC and the US


Perspectives is UTS:ACRI's commentary series, featuring a piece on a topical subject in the Australia-China relationship from an invited expert contributor. 

By Kevin Magee


A view of the Australian foreign policy environment reveals a policy mountain range dominated by two peaks, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the US, with Taiwan nestled in between.

Ensuring the ‘Future Made in Australia Act’ doesn’t add to a global subsidy arms race


By Marina Yue Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on April 22 2024.

An ex-SAS soldier has his sights on politics. But how do Chinese Australians feel about his new book?


Note: This article appeared in Crikey on April 12 2024.

Mark Wales may not be a stranger to many Australians. A former Special Air Services (SAS) soldier who served in Afghanistan, he later won the reality show Australian Survivor in 2022. Recently, he won Liberal preselection for the federal seat of Tangney in Perth.

China has finally removed crushing tariffs on Australian wine. But re-establishing ourselves in the market won’t be easy


Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on April 11 2024. 

China’s Ministry of Commerce has finally ended its tariffs on Australian wine, which had been imposed for more than three years at rates as high as 218.4 percent.

China–Australia relations on cloud wine


By Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in the East Asia Forum on April 5 2024.

What China wants from Australia’s stabilised relationship


By Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in The Saturday Paper on March 29 2024.

Xi Jinping’s balancing acts: Short-term gain, long-term pain?


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on March 23 2024.

While predicting China’s trajectory has always been fraught with danger, there are a few trend lines that provide some guidance.