ACRI Opinion

Cool heads needed to avoid escalating tension


Note: This article appeared in China Daily on August 12 2022. 

In the aftermath of the visit to Taiwan by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Australia-China relationship is once again inflamed.

This follows a modest thawing in bilateral ties after the new government, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, took office in Canberra in May.

Australia’s nuanced response to Taiwan tensions shows ‘adults are back in charge’


Note: This article appeared in The New Daily on August 5 2022. 

The Albanese government faced its first powder keg moment in the region this week when US congressional leader, Nancy Pelosi travelled to Taiwan.

The Australian response, led by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, could not have been more spot-on in substance and delivered with greater diplomatic skill.

'Asia’s electoral year, with China in mind - Experts' views'


Australia–China climate cooperation can thaw the diplomatic ice


By Xunpeng Shi, Qinhua Xu and Zha Daojiong

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on July 12 2022.

Ambassador Xiao Qian’s speech: A new way forward for Australia-China relations?


By Corey Lee Bell

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on June 30 2022.

RCEP shows that open regionalism still calls the shots


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on June 30 2022. 

The Biden administration is on a path toward strategic insolvency


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The National Interest on June 30 2022.

Time for China-Australia ties to embrace positive momentum


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in the Global Times on June 16 2022. 

‘China is our partner. China is not our enemy. Let's get that very straight.’ 

Australia and Lithuania: limits of Chinese trade coercion


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Council on Geostrategy's online magazine, Britain's World, on June 14 2022.

As the geopolitical distance between Beijing and Western capitals widens, privately-owned companies headquartered in the latter are being warned they might find themselves as collateral damage. 

The big problem with Labor’s ‘Plan to Build a Stronger Pacific Family’


By Corey Lee Bell

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on June 10 2022.

China’s recent decision to abandon a multilateral security agreement with 10 countries in the South Pacific was a cause for both enormous relief and some measure of self-congratulations in Canberra and Washington.

It should have prompted neither.