research / ACRI Facts

The Queensland - China Economic Relationship

December 03 2014

1. The annual value of Queensland’s goods exports to China is $10.8 billion.1 This is –

1.3 times that to Japan

2.3 times that to India

2.4 times that to Korea


2. The value of Queensland’s goods exports to China increased by $4.5 billion in the past five years. Exports to –

Japan fell by $6.5 billion

Korea fell by $1.8 billion

India fell by $0.5 billion


3. The annual value of Queensland’s minerals and fuels exports to China is $7.7 billion.2 This is –

1.3 times that to Japan

2.1 times that to India

2.6 times that to Korea


4. The annual value of Queensland’s agricultural exports to China is $1.7 billion.3 This is –

1.3 times that to Japan

2.1 times that to Korea

17 times that to India


5. The annual value of Queensland’s manufactured goods exports to China is $132 million.4 This is –

2.7 times that to Japan

4.4 times that to India

6.1 times that to Korea


6. Personal tourism is Queensland’s fifth largest export earner.5 There have been 302,000 visitors from China in the past year.6 This compares with –

157,000 from Japan

51,000 from Korea

44,000 from India


7. Education is Queensland’s sixth largest export earner.7 There are 10,935 Chinese students studying in Queensland universities.8 This compares with –

4,139 from India

1,456 from Korea

483 from Japan


8. Over the past five years Chinese investment in Queensland has totaled $13.2 billion.9 This compares with –

$9.8 billion for Western Australia

$8.7 billion for New South Wales

$7.0 billion for Victoria


1 As of September 2014. Source – Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
2 As of July 2014. SITC categories 27,28,3,68. Source – Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO)
3 As of July 2014. SITC categories 0,1,2 (exc. 27, 28),4. Source – QGSO
4 As of July 2014. SITC categories 5,6(exc. 68),7,8. Source – QGSO
5 As of year-end 2013. Following SITC categories 32,01,68,28. Source – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), QGSO.
6 As of June 2014. Source – Tourism and Events Queensland
7 As of year-end 2013. Following SITC categories 32,01,68,28 and personal tourism. Source – DFAT, QGSO.
8 As of September 2014. Source – Australian Trade Commission
9 The figures are for 2009-2013. Source – University of Sydney / KPMG.