Foreign affairs

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: January 2024


By Elena Collinson and Corey Lee Bell

Key points

- In a wide-ranging new year press conference, PRC Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian proposes restarting joint military exercises and calls for more science and technology cooperation

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: December 2023


By Elena Collinson and Corey Lee Bell


Key points

- Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivers a major foreign policy speech, placing ‘priority on communication over confrontation’ and outlining an approach of ‘patience and perseverance’

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: November 2023


Only the hawks are unhappy as China relations stabilise


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on January 15 2024.

Australia’s China hawks spent 2023 becoming increasingly frustrated by the Albanese government’s handling of relations with Beijing. By year’s end, the accusations and insults were flying freely.

Vietnam’s pivot


By Marina Zhang

Note: This article appeared in The Interpreter on January 15 2024.

What risks upsetting the Australia-China detente in 2024?


By Corey Lee Bell

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on December 29 2023.

Australia-China: Where to now?


By Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in 9DASHLINE on December 14 2023.

After seven years marked by bullying and heavy-handed tactics by Beijing, episodes of diplomatic inelegance by Canberra, and the asperity of mutual criticism, Australia-China relations have tentatively shifted to a more normalised state.

Pacific Island countries’ seesawing security diplomacy


By Corey Lee Bell

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on December 7 2023.

Australia-China energy and climate change dialogue: Powering a decarbonised future


With support from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, UTS:ACRI hosted five academic and industry representatives from the People's Republic of China for a week-long program of events in Sydney, bringing them together with leading academic and industry figures from around Australia to explore the potential for bilateral collaboration to advance decarbonisation and combat climate change. 


The PRC delegation included: 

Event Information
11:25 AM

Is a re-set likely in our media’s China coverage?


By Wanning Sun

Note: This article appeared in Pearls and Irritations on November 21 2023.