Foreign affairs

Australian and People's Republic of China government conceptions of the international order


Through qualitative comparative analysis of policy documents and official statements over the last 10 years (2008–2018), this paper examines Australian and PRC government conceptions of the international order and the associated policy implications. Their understandings of the international order are informed by their self-defined national role conceptions and perceptions of other states, and are manifested in discussions of institutional reform, international law and human rights.

Philippine foreign policy in an era of great power contestation


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article appeared in the Australian Institute for International Affairs’ blog Australian Outlook on December 27 2018.

Trump’s overriding success is as radical agent for change


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on December 29 2018.

US President Donald Trump challenged the existence of Santa in a phone call to a seven-year-old girl.

Can Morrison patch up Australia’s troubled ties with China?


By Simone van Nieuwenhuizen

Note: This interview appeared in World Politics Review on December 10 2018.

Australia-China relations monthly summary - November 2018


The latest developments in Australia-China relations in November 2018 by Elena Collinson, Senior Project and Research Officer, Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI), University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 

Ministerial and opposition engagement

Despite the Cold Warriors, Australia reverts to pragmatism on China


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on November 12 2018.

That the mob always gets it right is cornerstone wisdom of Australian politics, often confirmed by polling that shows the public’s deeply rooted common sense.

Australia-China relations monthly summary - October 2018


The latest developments in Australia-China relations in October 2018 by Elena Collinson, Senior Project and Research Officer, Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI), University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 

Do the claims stack up? Australia talks China


When Australia talks about China, the China Opportunity and the China Challenge forms part of the discourse. The China Opportunity reflects the enormous economic benefits that Australia already derives from its $184 billion trade relationship with China, along with the potential for this to grow even further as 850 million more Chinese reach middle class status by 2030, placing Australian beef, wine, education and tourism within their grasp. Strands of China’s foreign policy also favour an approach of multilateral engagement in line with the preferences of the Australian government.

Chinese Australians are the silent minority on foreign policy


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on October 24 2018.

Australians have no interest in joining US cold war against China


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in The Australian on October 22 2018.

Alexander Downer chewed ruminatively on his steak: ‘If you want a cold war with China, you will get a cold war with China.’

I had just been appointed foreign minister and was consulting my predecessors. Downer implied cold war was not smart diplomacy and not in Australia’s interest.